Monday, September 2, 2013

Goodbye, Summer!

It is now September and with it comes the last few weeks of marathon training... but also another year of school! (Yay?) 

Running these past few weeks has been quite the challenge. I haven't felt as good out there as I did earlier in the training schedule; part of it might be the changing seasons (oh, the humidity!) but out there today, I couldn't help but wonder if my poor diet and lifestyle choices i.e. long weekend wine- and beering, are taking their toll. Note to self: try and stay a little "drier" and away from pizza and gravy the next few weeks.

Me for the next eight months!
I've also found it challenging to stay motivated, given that I've got an assignment for my thesis due next week already (insert whipping sound here, am I right?). It's a sure signal that I'll need to stay extra diligent in forcing myself out on days where all I can think about is the next readings or project or report coming due. 

Because of all this, I'm expecting - as with last year - that I may not be on the blog as often. For this month, I'll definitely have an update on #4 and how that all goes; I'm definitely getting a little nervous, but it's mainly because the running's been less than spectacular. Hoping that will take a turn for the better going into the final four weeks of training.

Today's run: 29 km. Weather: a little of everything. Light showers, cloud, variable sun, a little humidity. Feeling: very meh and worried about race day. If it's this hard now, how can I possibly finish 42.2 km in four weeks!? Trying to not panic.

Hope everyone had a fantastic summer! If you're back to school or work tomorrow, I wish you a productive and positive first day. And if you're sending kids back to the classroom, woot woot for you!


  1. Whoa! 29K. SOunds like you're ready. The week before my half, I could barely make it around the track and my lower back hurt so much I thought I was going to have to bail on the race. Not surprisingly, the run went just fine ;-O

    Good luck adjusting to school!

    1. Thanks Harriet! I sure hope I'm ready for the race. At least adjusting to school has been a little easier than I thought it would be... for now, anyway. ;-)
