You know you're serious about running when ...
- You leave an awesome party because you have to run some seemingly random amount of ridiculous mileage the next day.
- You turn down a dinner date because it's the only day that week you can fit in a Zone 3 workout.
- You monitor the weather forecast to ensure your long run falls on the day it's least likely to rain.
- You get PVR so that you can watch your favourite TV shows on a rest day.
- The most hilarious quote you've seen lately is (seen on the back of a T-shirt): "If you see me collapse, please hit pause on my Garmin." [Twitter post by @RunningQuotes]
- You book a hotel for a destination race based on its ability to ensure you can have your regular pre-race breakfast.
- You book a hotel for a destination race. Full stop.
- You sign up for a running seminar because the speaker is Gary Reed, two-time Olympian.
- You watch marathon coverage on TV, even if the race happened last week or year.
- You either own, or have seriously considered the merit of, toe shoes.
- You've not only read Born to Run, but you've also suggested it to others and talked about it at dinner parties.
Here's a few more I thought of, after the fact:
- You're finally excited to watch the summer Olympics because of all the running events.
- You hear about ultramarathoners and think they're insane ... insanely awesome, that is.
- You've sat in an ice bath to help speed up your recovery.
- You write a blog about running.